L’Enveloppe Metallique du Batiment is the French professional organization representing the producers of steel profiles and sandwich panels. Its membership represents 95% of the manufacturers in France. L’Enveloppe Metallique is member of numerous European committees including CEN TC 250 SC3 (revision of Eurocode EN 1993-1-3), CEN TC 128 SC7 (profiles steel sheet), CEN TC 127 WG4 (fire), CEN TC 135 WG 14 (Eurocode 1090-4), CEN TC 351 and CENT TC 350 (dangerous substances and life cycle). L’Enveloppe Metallique organizes training seminars on profiles (design with Eurocodes, application of new regulations, etc.) for manufacturers, installers and end users, with a portfolio of 65 such industrial seminar programmes available. L’Enveloppe Metallique manages and coordinates many experimental programmes and technical studies on profiles of interest to its members and to the industry at large (e.g. seismic tests, thermal studies, EPD, BIM objects, etc.). L’Enveloppe Metallique was the coordinator in the RFCS GRISPE project (Guidelines and Recommendations for Integrating Specific Profiled steel sheets in the Eurocodes) on steel profiles on which GRISPE PLUS is based.

Cracow University of Technology is the younger of two technical universities currently operating in Cracow, the former capital of the kings of Poland. After the Second World War it emerged from the older AGH University of Science and Technology as the so-called Polytechnic Faculties which in 1947 were relocated to the separate campus near the city centre. At present, more than 15,000 students are educated here at seven faculties including the following: Architecture; Chemical Engineering and Technology; Civil Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science.

BACACIER is a French manufacturer of profiled sheets for the construction industry which exports to the European Union and beyond. The company is now 20 years old and provides products for steel cladding, covering, roofing and decking. BACACIER is an independent group and can count on its 150 field agents to fulfill its promise: “be there”. The company transforms 80,000 tons of steel per year, making it the 3rd actor on the French cladding and roofing market. Its team of 5 engineers is constantly working on innovation to make the vision “industrial building differently” come true. BACACIER was a partner in the European RFCS GRISPE project (Guidelines and Recommendations for Integrating Specific Profiled steel sheets in the Eurocodes). In particular, it was involved in the development of a calculation method for external interlocking planks and their assemblies, in the preparation of an Excel software sheet for the cladding system and in the proposal for an amendment to EN 1993-1-3 for plank systems. It also furnished the samples for half of the other GRISPE subjects, making it a major industrial partner of this project.

Joris Ide is an international group and one of the leading manufacturer of steel roof and wall systems and cladding products for buildings. It is present in a range of markets across the European Union including Belgium, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hungary, Germany, Croatia and Scandinavia. It has major manufacturing facilities in five different European countries with a staff of over 1000 employees. Joris Ide was one of the key industrial participant in the RFCS GRISPE project through its subsidiary Joris Ide Bretagne in France. It was in particular involved in the work on planks and cladding.

RWTH Aachen University is recognized to be one of the top technical universities within Germany. With about 260 institutes, 550 professors and 45.000 students, RWTH Aachen is one of Europe’s premier educational and research institutions. The Institute of Steel Construction is one of the major institutes within the Faculty of Civil Engineering of RWTH Aachen. It comprises a staff of about 70 and covers a wide range of research activities and 3 professorships with working groups e.g. for structural design, dynamics, wind engineering, building physics and envelopes. » The department of Engineering Hydrology, RWTH Aachen University (LFI) is leading the eLearning group of the RWTH since 2004. LFI develops eLearning modules in form of Online-Courses and Games to learn to support University lectures since then and will lead the development of the GRISPE+-eLearning components.

Tampere University of Technology (TUT) is at the leading edge of technological development and a sought-after collaboration partner among the scientific and business communities. We educate skillful graduates to serve the needs of society. Our University is a fertile breeding ground for innovations and new research- and knowledge-based companies. We generate new knowledge and expertise for the benefit of society. We foster the well-being of people and the environment through research and education. We develop technologies that reshape the competitive landscape of Finnish industry.

Sokol Palisson Consultants is a French SME created in 2007, it offers consultancy and expertise to metal manufacturers and builders to design, develop and optimize their products in compliance with European Standards Eurocodes. The company is approved with the French research tax credit (CIR). Anna Palisson, owner of Sokol Palisson Consultants, is an engineer. She graduated in 1996 from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts et Metiers (ENSAM). For over ten years she perfected her expertise and knowledge in structure analysis and testing by leading a number of major industrial R&D. In 2007 she created Sokol Palisson Consultants (SPC) to offer metal manufacturers and users her technical skills and expertise in the field of cold formed products. In addition to supporting manufacturers in their projects, she participates in the development and promotion of steel products through publications and training. She contributes to the development of Eurocodes on the one hand as a member of CNC2M (Commission de Normalisation de la Construction Métallique et Mixte) and on the other hand as a partner of the GRISPE project (Guidelines and Recommendations for Integrating Specific Profiled steel sheets in the Eurocodes) where she was WP leader responsible for the work on steel decks and for perforated and holed profiles. In this capacity she developed design methods for steel profiles which although frequently used in steel –framed construction, were not covered by the design rules defined in the Eurocodes.

The University of Pisa is a public institution with a total amount, actually, of twenty departments, with high level research centres in the sectors of agriculture, astrophysics, computer science, engineering, medicine and veterinary medicine. The University has close relations with the Pisan Institutes of the National Board of Research, with many cultural institutions of national and international importance, and with industry, especially that of information technology, which went through a phase of rapid expansion in Pisa during the nineteen sixties and seventies. The University of Pisa was officially established in 1343, although a number of scholars claim its origin dates back to the 11th century. With the birth of the Kingdom of Italy, the University of Pisa became one of the new state’s most prestigious cultural institutions. Between the second half of the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth centuries the following prestigious lecturers taught at Pisa: the lawyers Francesco Carrara and Francesco Buonamici, philologists Domenico Comparetti and Giovanni D’Ancona, historians Pasquale Villari, Gioacchino Volpe and Luigi Russo, philosopher Giovanni Gentile, economist Giuseppe Toniolo and mathematicians Ulisse Dini and Antonio Pacinotti. The Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering (DICI) was established in 2012, following a major reform of the Italian higher education system, as a merger of the former departments of aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineering, chemistry and materials science, mechanical engineering, nuclear and production engineering and Civil Engineering.