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Anna Palisson Consulting Engineer Web:
This module presents the design by calculation developed within the GRISPE project for steel decks with embossments and indentations. Some embossments and indentations are formed on the web of steel deck in order to increase the shear connection between the steel and the concrete in a composite slab. Such steel decks are often used in steel-framed construction. But the European Standard EN 1993-1-3 dealing with design rules for cold-formed members and sheeting does not cover profiled sheeting with embossments / indentations during construction stage. Moreover there was a real lack of data and knowledge about the impact of embossments / indentations on steel profile resistance and stiffness. Therefore a methodology to design by calculation of steel decks with embossments and indentations was developed to fill in a lack in design rules. After this introduction of the topic and of the reason why this methodology was developed, this module first describes how this methodology was carried out. It presents the extensive test program of local and global behaviour of steel decks which was performed in order to provide required data. It gives the results of the analysis of the testing:
- the influence of embossments / indentations on local behaviour
- the influence of embossments / indentations on global behaviour
It gives also the developed formula to take into account the embossments / indentations in a steel deck. Second it explains how to apply this formula and how to design:
- the effective section of sheeting with indentation and/or embossment (First amendment proposed to CEN TC 250/SC3/WG3 EN 1993-1-3)
- the resistance of sheeting with indentations or embossment to combined bending moment and local load or support reaction (Second amendment proposed to CEN TC 250/SC3/WG3 EN 1993-1-3)
Last it introduces four excel sheets which were implemented to calculate span moment resistance, end support reaction and moment-reaction interaction at internal support, for a profile with 1 stiffener in the upper flange, with longitudinal and conical embossments and for a profile with 2 stiffeners in the upper flange, with longitudinal embossments.
After the module, you will be able to …
- … remember why some embossments and indentations are formed on the webs of steel decks
- … comprehend why the development of a design by calculation for steel decks with embossments and indentations was necessary
- … apply the formula of reduced thickness for a steel sheeting with embossments / indentations where h is height of the embossments / indentations and t is sheeting thickness
- … analyse the influence of embossments / indentations on local and global behaviour of a sheeting
- … calculate the resistance of sheeting with indentations and/or embossments to combined bending moment and local load or support reaction
- … evaluate the effective section of sheeting with indentations and/or embossments